ALS Customs Services B.V.

picture showing digital documentation filingpicture showing digital documentation filing
picture showing digital documentation filingpicture showing digital documentation filing

Need Support in Completing the Digital Forms?


  • Click on the appropriate button
  • To start click CONTINUE at the bottom of the page

                 Keep the copy of the Chamber of Commerce that is not older than 6 months at hand, stating the authorized signatory.

                 Dispose of your company logo file

                 Do you have a company stamp? Scan it and turn it into a photo file

  • Fill in the form online and insert the copy of the Chamber of Commerce immediately
  • Enter your email address (note: don't make a mistake in the typo!)
  • You will be sent an email, and you will need to confirm your email address by clicking on the link
  • You will receive the document signed by your own signature in your e-mail box
  • Return the signed document to the person from whom you received the link.